To review a demo Teacher account, click on Login in the upper right-hand corner of this page and use the login and password.
To review a demo Student account, click on Login in the upper right-hand corner and use one of the Student demo accounts. Note that different accounts will be at different stages in the 10-week live simulation. These accounts, like the student simulation, take place in real-time. So, logging in at a later date will show different scoring and activity.
Student accounts show the optional +Investing Module which adds three additional investing trophies and the ability to select and trade multiple funds. The e-textbook is the same regardless of the simulation.
Click here to download Florida Personal Finance and Money Management 2102371 standards with direct links to content in Budget Challenge.
Teacher Account
TeacherDemo2024 / TeacherDemo2024!
Student Accounts
- StudentDemoDec5A / StudentDemoDec5A (for 10-week simulation starting 12/5/2024)
- StudentDemoFeb13A / StudentDemoFeb13A (for 10-week simulation starting 2/13/2025)