Why is Budget Challenge the best?

Our comprehensive award-winning program is unique in that students learn money management by actually managing the finances of an independent working young adult for ten weeks in real-time. Budget Challenge goes beyond financial literacy by allowing students to practice skills and develop positive financial habits such as budgeting, paying bills on time, managing debt and credit, and paying themselves first by saving for retirement.

Is your state requiring a financial literacy class for graduation? Are you looking for a single comprehensive solution that is easy to implement? Other programs claim to "align" with standards but have notable deficiencies when it comes to what they actually teach. Budget Challenge is the only program available that teaches ALL 206 of the new Jump$tart/CEE high school personal financial education standards and ALL the standards for many states including Ohio, Texas, New Jersey, and Missouri. Our 100% online program can seamlessly transition from in-class to distance learning.

Budget Challenge: The Most Complete Program

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The Leader in Applied Financial Literacy Education

Budget Challenge teaches financial capability, not just knowledge. During our patented 10-week simulation, students are able to practice money management skills and receive real-time feedback that impacts their behaviors and attitudes. They also apply concepts from Personal Finance, our included 17 chapter companion e-textbook, creating learning that lasts.

Budget Challenge overcomes traditional classroom limitations by utilizing hands-on learning, which is the backbone of CTE (career and technical education). This means that Budget Challenge focuses on learning-by-doing and teaches students how to be financially capable young adults. Read more about how Applied Financial Literacy Education takes learning about ALL aspects of financial literacy (Knowledge, Skills, Behaviors & Attitudes) to the next level.

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We offer individual, volume, and multi-year licensing for Budget Challenge. PLUS Investing can be added to Budget Challenge licenses.  


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Let's have a conversation. Explore integration options with our Director of Education, Tim Lambrecht.