Announcing a new engagement meter on Student Home!
On September 28, 2022 in What's New by Robbie Kaminski
The Budget Challenge Engagement Score is a valuable measure of a student’s positive participation in the simulation. Students now can easily see their engagement on their Student Homepage immediately upon login.

Credit unions know that effective financial education makes $ense! David Dawson and Lynn McCoy share their journey
On September 16, 2022 in Sponsor Spotlight, Teacher Spotlight by Tara Kirby
Credit unions have a mission to serve their community's financial needs. Schools have a mission to create financially capable young adults. As First Area Credit Union begins its fourth year of Budget Challenge sponsorship, COO Lynn McCoy and Swan Valley Michigan High School teacher David Dawson share how they are transforming lives through their joint efforts. Read about it in this week's blog post.

Under the Hood with Dave Buten, Co-Founder and Co-CEO: The Thinking Behind the Trophies
On August 30, 2022 in Under the Hood by Tara Kirby
In this “Under the Hood” post, we will look at the trophies and the design thinking behind them. Before Budget Challenge had trophies, we sometimes received feedback indicating that students and teachers were uncertain about what to focus on or prioritize. While this might be a common sentiment in the adult world of personal finance, it was a clear sign that there was an opportunity to improve the simulation. The question was how best to focus on the essential personal finance behaviors in the simulation. As it sometimes is in life, one needs to zoom out first to improve focus.

Teacher Spotlight — Tony Wright
On August 18, 2022 in Teacher Spotlight by Tara Kirby
Tony Wright who is a Career and Technical Education teacher at Warren Mott High School in Warren, MI shared his vast Budget Challenge experience with us.

What's New in 2022-2023
On June 10, 2022 in What's New by Tara Kirby
2022-2023 Budget Challenge is better than ever! We have updated our award-winning simulation and textbook and added new teaching tools and resources. Budget Challenge is the only program that teaches all 127 of the CEE/Jump$tart National Standards for Personal Financial Education. Our program is the most realistic and relevant available. And it is the only one that instills financial capability by letting students manage all the finances of an independent young adult in real-time for ten weeks while they attempt to accomplish important financial goals most adults struggle with.

Parent Involvement Highlights with Anne Runkle
On May 16, 2022 in Parent Survey by Tara Kirby
Anne Runkle an Economics teacher at Charlotte Catholic High School, in Charlotte, NC, is an avid Budget Challenge user. She has been using the program since 2014. In that time our program has improved and changed. However, the importance and relevancy of parent engagement during the simulation and the bridge between home and school that Budget Challenge creates has remained the same. Anne shares her experience and the importance of parent involvement.

Teacher Spotlight — Robin Salai
On March 29, 2022 in Teacher Spotlight by Tara Kirby
Robin Salai, a Business teacher at Fairmont Senior High School in WV, who has been using Budget Challenge for several years, shares her vast experience with us. She started teaching the class with 22 students and since then her class size has almost tripled. Salai was even featured in the Times West Virginian last year for using our program in her Personal Finance course.

Teacher Spotlight — Jacob Granstaff
On February 17, 2022 in Teacher Spotlight by Tara Kirby
Jacob Granstaff is an AP Macroeconomics/Government teacher at Boerne High School in Texas. He shared his most memorable Budget Challenge experience, which occurred at a recent graduation.

Sponsor Spotlight — Trevor Medenwaldt with Achieva Credit Union
On December 10, 2021 in Sponsor Spotlight by Tara Kirby
Trevor Medenwaldt, with Achieva Credit Union, is a Certified Financial Counselor (CFC), IRA Specialist (CIS II), HSA Specialist (CHSP) and Branch Manager of Del Prado & Camelot Isles shares his insight on what it means to be the proud sponsor of Lee County Schools in Fort Myers, Florida.

Teacher Spotlight — Bill Nelson
On November 15, 2021 in Teacher Spotlight by Tara Kirby
Bill Nelson, a CTE Career Readiness Teacher and Consultant at the Van Buren Tech School located in Lawrence, MI shared with us the value Budget Challenge adds to his students' lives.