Teacher Spotlight — Kambri Harland
On March 3, 2021 in Teacher Spotlight by Tara Kirby
Kambri Harland, a Counselor and Financial Literacy Teacher, at Boise City High School in Boise City, OK shared her experience with us. This is my 8th year doing the Budget Challenge. This is by far one of the best tools out there to give students a true understanding of what "Life" is like when it comes to managing money and paying bills.

New Teacher Features: Customizable Curriculum and Quiz Tools
On February 8, 2021 in Distance Learning Tool, What's New by Tara Kirby
Teachers now have the ability to customize their classes' default curriculum and quiz schedule. By default, each simulation has units and their accompanying quizzes opening in a staggered fashion each week starting on Thursdays. To support as much flexibility as possible, all quizzes are open to take until the last day of the simulation.

Texas Financial Literacy Standard and Alignment with Budget Challenge
On February 1, 2021 in Standards Alignment by tlambrecht1
Texas set a high bar for a financial literacy elective class. Guess what program exceeds it?

Deciphering new Covid-19 relief money for schools
On January 14, 2021 in CARES Act, Funding by tlambrecht1
At Budget Challenge we know that Covid-19 stressed already tight school budgets making it difficult for some schools to purchase our program. The good news is that help is on the way! The new $900 billion federal Covid-19 relief bill signed into law December 27 provided $54.3 billion in new federal funds for public K-12 schools and $2.75 billion for private schools. This is in addition to the previous CARES Act ESSER dollars. This received virtually no media coverage because so much attention was focused on the size of stimulus payments to individuals and whether the president would sign the bill into law.

Under the Hood with Dave Buten Co-Founder and Co-CEO: Credit Card 2
On December 17, 2020 in Under the Hood by Dave Buten
This is the second post in the ‘Under the Hood’ series. Like the first post, this is also about credit card usage in the simulation. We’ll take a deeper look at the behavior of the credit card in the simulation, how it impacts the student experience and address some feedback we have received. This second post is written for our teachers who use Budget Challenge with their students and those who are thinking about starting.

Under the Hood with Dave Buten Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Budget Challenge: Credit Card
On October 29, 2020 in Under the Hood by Dave Buten
This is the first post in a series called ‘Under the Hood’, where I explain the thinking behind some of the not-so-obvious design decisions that you experience in the simulation. In explaining these decisions, I also attempt to address some of the feedback we’ve received and propose alternate perspectives for users of the program to consider. This first post is for our students who play Budget Challenge. So, let’s go!

Teacher Spotlight — Hilary Ruttenberg
Hilary Ruttenberg is an economics teacher at Horizon High School in Scottsdale, Arizona. Hilary took the time to share her recent experience implementing Budget Challenge in a blended classroom setting which includes online instruction and in person.

DonorsChoose Funding Teacher Spotlight — Carrie Rugenstein
On October 11, 2020 in DonorsChoose, Funding, Teacher Spotlight by Tara Kirby
We love sharing creative ways that teachers secure funding for Budget Challenge. Teachers who have earned the appropriate number of points with DonorsChoose can request a Special Project. Carrie Rugenstein, a math teacher at Lincoln High School in Owosso, MI recently shared how she was able to secure funding for Budget Challenge with the help of DonorsChoose and a community sponsor.

Teacher Spotlight — Mariellen Rechtin
Mariellen Rechtin who teaches in two Cincinnati homeschool high school co-ops, Divine Mercy Homeschool Coop and All Saints Studies Group, shared her expertise in implementing Budget Challenge in a unique setting.

Teacher Spotlight — Holly Toft
Holly Toft, an Economics teacher at Mount Michael Benedictine School in Elkhorn, NE a seasoned user of Budget Challenge recently shared her experience with us.